
Vehicle Accident Attorney

In a world of aggressive drivers and "me first" attitudes, a vehicle accident may end up happening to you.

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Vehicle Accident Attorney

How can we help you

Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles

Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents are a fact of life. You likely drive by at least one every day just on your commute to work. In a world of aggressive drivers and "me first" attitudes, you may be involved in a motor vehicle accident. Forward Law Group is here to advocate on your behalf. We know that being involved in a motor vehicle accident with a reckless or dangerous driver not only damages your vehicle, but more importantly, can injure your health and overall well-being. Our Car accident attorneys in Los Angeles will fight for your case and do our absolute best to get you the compensation you so very much deserve.

Why Car Accidents Commonly Happen

Accidents most frequently happen due to another driver's failure to abide by traffic laws. Aggressive persons who regularly break the speed limit, follow too closely, fail to use signals, ignore traffic lights, or even text while driving are putting themselves and others in harm.

You can protect yourself by ensuring that you follow all traffic laws, or simply pull off the road when dealing with dangerous drivers. But despite our best efforts, car accidents are sometimes inevitable. A motor vehicle accident can happen in an instant, leaving you with a damaged vehicle, or worse. It is important to not admit fault and/or assume that you could have done something to prevent the accident from occurring.

Forward Law Group, APC will work with you to accurately evaluate your case, injuries, and the damages you are entitled to. We fight for your case so that negligent drivers and their insurance companies pay for the damages caused to both you and your vehicle. We will also ensure you are compensated for the emotional duress that a violent car crash can have on you and your family.

Steps to Follow After a Car Accident

Car accidents can be frightening no matter the severity. First and foremost, you should check the health and awareness of you and other passengers following a collision. If the situation is serious and immediate medical care is required, do not hesitate to call 911.

At the scene of the crash, be sure to take note of as much information as possible. Be aware of the weather conditions, visibility for both drivers, what you and the other driver were attempting to do at the time of the crash, and other information that relates to the accident.

The police should be contacted to write a written report or to aid in the exchange of information between parties. When discussing the crash with the police or the other driver, never admit fault to the accident. Even if you believe you are responsible, you do not know all of the details from the other driver's point of view. Attempt to amicably exchange insurance and registration information. Do note that some police officer's choose to separate parties, and follow their instructions no matter what.

Finally, photograph all damages to both vehicles if possible to share with your Los Angeles car accident lawyer. Also take photos of the scene of the accident, including the street and roads. Ask the officer when the accident report will be available and obtain a copy as soon as possible. Once all of the available information is gathered, give us a call at Forward Law Group to review your case. We have extensive experience in settling vehicle accident cases and will fight for you and the compensation you deserve.

What Our Vehicle Accident Attorneys can do for you?

At Forward Law Group, APC we are experienced in car accident cases and are familiar with the traffic laws. We will ensure you are properly treated by medical professionals who have years of experience treating patients that suffer from trauma and injuries caused by car accidents. Many people worry about the costs of their medical bills after sustaining injuries in a car accident. Our Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys will arrange your treatments so that your medical bills are not due until your case is settled. Forward Law Group will also be sure your vehicle is properly repaired or that you are properly compensated for your totaled vehicle. Rest assured Forward Law Group will get you the results you deserve! 

our attorneys
in this field

Alex Gharapetian

Managing Partner

Alex Gharapetian
Talin Kojababian

Managing Partner

Talin Kojababian